

With its commitment to design, quality and functionality, Jakob Rope Systems shares the spirit of Inno. To deliver the best solutions for every challenge and project at hand. Since the 1980s Jakob produces stainless steel cables and wire meshes for architecture and interior design in close collaboration with architects and customers. Together with the excellent service that Inno has been providing architects since 1975, Jakob believes that each project is and will be unique. That is why the Swiss company offers a comprehensive range of services to accompany a project from the start. Thanks to its in-house team of engineers and product designers combined with own production facilities, Jakob is able to deliver client-specific solutions with wire meshes, ropes and cables for any use case. Inno is the sole representative of Jakob Rope Systems in Finland since the year of 1998.

Inno on toiminut Jakob -tuotteiden maahantuojana vuodesta 1998 saakka. Jakobin erikoisosaamiseen kuuluu kaikki vaijereihin ja teräsköysiin liittyvä sekä tärkeimpänä tuotteena Webnet -vaijeriverkko. Saumattoman ulkonäön, mukautuvuuden ja teknisten ominaisuuksien ansiosta Webnet -vaijeriverkko on kasvattanut suosiota etenkin kaiteissa, turvaverkoissa ja köynnöstukena.


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Autamme mielellämme.


Tuotteista lisää tietoa Jakobin sivuilta: https://www.jakob.com/